by Patricia Leonard | May 5, 2015 | blog
Click to attend the Book Signing Tonight (May 5) and pre-purchase the workbook or contact Patricia The Value Of Celebrations As mentioned earlier, the WOW step may be the most critical of the three elements of this guidebook. Here is why. We all love to be recognized...
by Patricia Leonard | Apr 6, 2015 | blog
Excerpt Four from Patricia Leonard’s Now, How and Wow of Success Guidebook Click to pre-purchase or contact Patricia Now it is time to create your three-month action calendar. What are the critical things to get done over the next three months to keep your...
by Patricia Leonard | Mar 14, 2015 | blog
Excerpt Two from Patricia Leonard’s Now, How and Wow of Success Guidebook Click to pre-purchase or contact Patricia SUCCESS is…Finding What Makes Your Heart Sing…. Many Dream, Fewer Pursue…Will You? Focused on moving you from beginning to winning! There...
by Patricia Leonard | Jul 11, 2014 | blog
We are more alike that different, yet; we each possess uniqueness. Celebrate that!
by Patricia Leonard | Jul 15, 2013 | blog
DECISION FATIGUE… when you find yourself exhausted from trying to make a choice.