by Patricia Leonard | Mar 24, 2021 | blog, Career Management, Personal Growth, Public Speaking
SURVIVING TO STRIVING A striving mindset is defined by continually challenging oneself. A surviving mindset is defined by playing it safe and risking little. *********** I recently shared a blog on all my social media channels titled: ‘THE F-WORD’. The...
by Patricia Leonard | Mar 10, 2021 | blog, Career Management
Those of you who know me are probably very surprised to see this title on one of my blogs. Well, let me share my thoughts behind the title. These times we are facing has driven many of us to scream out loud, pull at our hair, pray for the return of normal or...
by Patricia Leonard | Dec 3, 2020 | blog
THE MAGIC OF THE SEASON This final 2020 blog from a believing ‘Everyday Diva’ is intended to hug your spirit with celebration, love, hope and dreams for the future. Before we look ahead, let’s take a look back at how the world of arts and...
by Patricia Leonard | Nov 19, 2020 | blog
HOW MUCH DO YOU LIKE YOUR COMFORT ZONE? DO YOU HAVE THE WILLPOWER TO CHANGE WHAT IS NOT WORKING OR FULFILLING? THE ANSWER IS BELOW… “It may not be ‘will power’ but ‘willing power’ that holds you back from accomplishing your goals and...
by Patricia Leonard | Nov 3, 2020 | blog
THE 20’S …NEW VISION AND THE DECADE OF THE FEMININE!!! (Not Woman vs Man) Many shifts have taken place as this decade danced its way onto the stage of our society and culture in the first quarter of 2020. Its introduction has created a sense of vulnerability...
by Patricia Leonard | Sep 23, 2020 | blog
I AM … a journey of discovery ____________________________________________ We all focus so much time on the what in life; and spend so little time on the who? WHY? Often times, I ask my clients to define who they are and they just stammer and stutter… then finally...